I was trying out my new hello program from Picassa because I've gotten a lot of requests for more pictures from Tonga. Well I think some of these might be old, but I figured, what the heck and posted them for posterities sake. Tomorrow, I'm going to head off with Caty and hang out in Eua. One of the things that I'm going to do is meeet up with my old homestay family and give them some of these pictures printed out as kind of a gift. I think I may give them a cd player and a couple of my old rap cd's too. The kids will love it. No Doubt.
So enjoy these pics and comment and stuff. If this works out okay, I'll post some more pictures.
Here's Colonge (the girl in the front) and their family friend Pila (Bill) digging an 'umu in the background. I didn't know what the hell was going on in this picture at the time, but they were preparing me a MASSIVE feast because I gave most of the family christmas presents. This was my family's way of thanking me for staying with them and stuff. It should have been me doing the thanking, in retrospect. They must have spent at least $1000 TOP and almost 2 days in preparation for the feast that they put together. This isn't a great picture, but I figured I could use it to explain stuff.