Was thinking about this site last night as I was getting on the on-ramp for the expressway and I figured I should start writing again. I miss it sort of.
So I was waiting at a red light last evening, I'm sitting in the right hand lane, there's a red corvette sitting in the left hand lane. The light changes from red to green and across the street there is only one lane so either my car (
Ford Contour) or the
Corvette idling in the turning only lane next to me is going to get into the single lane. Needless to say, my Countour doesn't have the oomph that a Corvette has and I lose. So as I'm eating this corvette's dust and he's doing like 50 down a 25 I slow down to the speed limit and just take it easy. A few minutes later, I pull up next to him and look over and sort of smile. You see in city driving, all the posturing is for naught because stop lights are the great equalizer. No matter how fast your car is everyone has to stop for redlights and all that muscle-headed dingleberry posturing is for naught. As a citizen, that makes me feel better. I don't know why exactly, perhaps its my personal preference for civility and order, but it does.
So where is my life at now? Well its 9:30 in the morning on a Saturday. Waking up on the couch a little groggy from the Guiness and boozing last night at my buddy's place in New Jersey, a couple of miles outside of Philly with a whole American Saturday stretched out before me and nothing but fun, family and friends planned. Its taken me a couple of months to get to this point, but I'm starting to feel more like I belong again. Its weird, I remember reading this book
"So You Wanna Join the Peace Corps?" and the author in the beginning of the book said that its actually much harder coming back to America than it is leaving it. I remember thinking 'bullsh!t!'. But now that I'm here and living it, he's right on. I'm usually not into the fluffy, emotional posts so I'll keep it brief. PCV's coming back to America can be pretty hard so be prepared. I don't know why that's so, but it is. There, I said it.
So me? I'm in this in-between sort of life. My parents are looking to purchase a durable medical equipment company that they've been running for the past couple of years but need some help getting all of their ducks in a row in terms of finances and selecting a biller and vendor negotiating, etc. So I've been spending most of my time with them writing a business plan and getting things set up. The other part of my time is spent in Philadelphia reconnecting with my friends and family down here. Its been kind of hard because I really want to be in Philly and as much as I love my parents, I can't stand the place where they live. Its pretty far out there with not much going on in the wintertime and its almost an entirely different culture too. Its weird.

So I've got a couple more months with my parents then back down to Philly full-time to pursue my own goals. There's a bunch of stuff that I'd like to do that I need to sort through but if there is one overwhelmingly good thing that I can say about America it is this: America is TRULY the land of opportunity. Like no where else in the world as far as I've seen and probably my favorite thing about it.
So that's it. I promised myself that I wouldn't get crazy with my posts and have them drag on for a long time. I'm going to start re-updating the site with stuff that I find interesting now until I can move it to my new secret bat location with hidden un-3-dimesionalizer.
Oh and a word to Tonga... Thank you for everything. As much as I complained about being there in the day in and day out, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't appreciate my life as much as I do now, wouldn't be the person that I'm starting to become and certainly wouldn't have met my extra-awesome moa. There are things that I will never forget and things that I'm glad I've forgotten but all in all I regret nothing and I hope I helped a little bit.
Ofa Atu people that still sort of check out my blog..
PS -
Check out the new TTI website! and some pics of the server room nice work Toti, Pila and Siua!