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The Palangi Files |
10.12.2005Tonga shout out time! And some tongan pictures too!
So I've been remiss at giving the shoutouts!
First and foremost, made props to the Shaffers for buying their new home in the Illidelph. I'm hoping to pass out in their nice new hallway sometime! Should be the bomb! Natedizzle, thanks for the email. The picture above is for your sugar D. Second, Nicole! Tahine! Hau ki Tonga mo sio ko au! I'd love to see you here in Tonga. Far and away, you've been my biggest supporter and my bestest new reader/friend. I'd like to shout you a round, scream questions at you at the Billfish and swap fun travel stories! Actually, just listen to yours. As I'm returning to the US on the 14th of December, you've got about two months to get here. Most definitely keep me posted. For those of you that aren't cool, you can check out Nicole's website. Dorks, click here. Thirdidly, The Mark and Erin are Rockstars! Supersite has finally gone live. For people that are dumb, Mark and Erin lived next to me for a year. +People that are thinkinga about travelling around the world or an around the world ticket or around the world blog or blog around the world **sorry for the googlizing** there site kicks ass. M&E just got back home after travelling the world for almost an entire year. They had french wine and made me jealous. Fourthedly, Where the Fdizzle are my Philly Peeps? Does anyone from Philly read this anymore? Billadelphia? Bobby? Matt? Any of the Phi Kap Guys? Just checking. Fifthedly, here's the blog of another, quasi-cool old-head volunteer. She's a bit of a drunk and has been known to dance with a Sailor or two, but she's cool. Tis the Senifa! She's bligging it up in Engdizzle. Read her kind and beautiful words. She shines like a monkey. Her site is actually called http://jenacrossthesea.blogspot.com/ Mascara while crying! That's great! I'm not the only one that's had this problem either! Alright, I guess that's it for now. Much love everyone. You are missed by me. Man there is a bunch of other stuff I wanted to talk about too.. Oh yeah! My most excellent joke on the people in my FFL league. Remember that blog about Philly being named the Next Best City in America? Well its true, you can read it there, or you can click on the CNN link I created here. http://www.cnn.com/2005/TRAVEL/09/28/philadelphia.great.ap/index.html Well, I created a bit of a page myself to trick all my friends that the same day Pittsburgh was named the worst city in the world. It went over very well. http://www.cnn.com/2005/TRAVEL/09/28/pittsburgh.notsogreat.ap/index.html The joke was worth the couple of hours I spend meticulously recreating the CNN website locally. I was thinking about making this a database application so you could write your own text and add your own picture into it. Maybe someday. If you'd be intersted in something like that, let me know. I'm pretty sure it'd be easy to build. Oh yeah, the first link is correct and the second link is not. Warning: There's lots of inside jokes in there that may not be applicable. 3 comments - Post a Comment
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