It takes the phrase "public assistance" to be as dirty as the word "welfare"? Sorry, I just read a
J.K. Rowling interview on Amazon and noticed it headlining the article and it was one of those government words that get me fired up everytime I see it.

So, Caty has left the country and, in with her departure has garnered me ample amounts of free time to do what I'd like with. She was also kind enough to leave me her copy of the latest Harry Potter book:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Now, I'm kind of embarrased to talk about this book because I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've blogged about what I've read and I'm pretty sure a lot of people will be like "Man! This dude reads poop!" But Harry Potter is not Poop! I would equate it more to me enjoying
Shrek! because some of the jokes appeal more to adults than they do to kids. Also, In defense of my guilty pleasure I have to remind everyone that I've also read some very unsexy, very umpleasant adult books like (god help me)
Naked Lunch (

A People's History of the United States of America 
Guns, Germs & Steel
and of course
Dan Brown's Digital Fortress! 
(of course I'm just kidding about this. It sucked like mice like cheese...)
Now that you know I'm not a V.C. Andrews fan, I must say that I am a dork. I was all broken up by the end of the book. I don't want to give away the ending, but I was like "Bullshit!" That can't be right. So me and my trusty sidekick "Interneti" did some investigation and found some other people that felt just like I did. These people can be found here at the wonderful world of If you haven't read the last book, DO NOT go to this site, I repeat DO NOT go to this site (Yes Caty, that means you). Now, I've gotten so sidetracked that I forgot why I even wrote this post in the first place.
Damn it. I hate when I do that. I'm gonna freestyle. Oh here is a word of advice to my future Peace Corps Trainees that are thinking of coming to Tonga. BRING AN MP3 Player. I know that I promised the ultimate Peace Corps packing list and someday, I swear before I leave I will get around to it, that a good MP3 player will most definitely be on the list. So I think I'm getting an iPod mini (while I'm searching for the iPod mini link, here's and awesome read:
Microsoft Tech Support vs. the Psychic Friends Network) . I started running Ubuntu Linux (future Peace Corps volunteers, regardless of what your job will be, you may want to look into learning more about computers and, if you know anything about comptuers, looking into linux because while you don't know it yet, you are THE I.T. specialist in this country) because my laptop is just beat to hell. I've been lusting after getting a new one, but I'm going to wait until I get back to the good old U.S. of A. before I get one. Maybe. If I don't die of starvation or get eaten by bears. I don't know. I'm tired now
Anyway, Harry Potter was a good book and you should read it. Sorry for being all over the place. I need to stay focused. I'm going to Tofua this week so I'll talk more about that before I leave. I'm tired.